Uncle Meat - Electric Aunt Jemima

Uncle Meat
Electric Aunt Jemima
březen 1969, 1:53 min.
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaFrank Zappa (kytara, zpěv, perkuse)
Ray Collins (zpěv)
Jimmy Carl Black (bicí)
Roy Estrada (elektrická basa)
Don Preston (elektrické piáno)
Billy Mundi (bicí)
Bunk Gardner (piccolo, flétna, klarinet, bas klarinet, soprán saxofón, alt saxofón, tenor saxofón, fagot)
Ian Underwood (elektrické varhany, piano, cembalo, celeste, flétna, klarinet, alt saxofón, baritón saxofón)
Arthur Tripp (bicí, timpány, vibrafon, marimba, xylofon, wood blocks, zvonky, malá zvonkohra)
Motorhead Sherwood (tenor saxofón, tamburína)
Ruth Komanoff (marimba, vibrafon)
Electric Aunt Jemima
Goddess of Love
Khaki Maple Buckwheats
Frizzle on the stove
Queen of my heart
Please hear my plea
Electric Aunt Jemima
Cook a bunch for me
Tried to find a reason
Not to quit my job
Beat me till I'm hungry
Found a punk to rob
Love me Aunt Jemima
Love me now & ever more
Love me Aunt Jemima
Tried to find a raisin
Brownies in the basin
Monza by the street light
Aunt Jemima all night
Holiday & salad days
And days of mouldy mayonaise
Caress me
Caress me
Caress me Aunt Jemima
Caress me
Caress me Aunt Jemima
Caress me
Caress me Aunt Jemima
Caress me
Caress me Aunt Jemima
Caress me
Caress me Aunt Jemima
Mmm why are my lips, are gettin' heavy
I can't tell when you're telling the truth
I'm not.
How'd I know anything you said to me is ...
You don't.
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