Them Or Us - Stevie's Spanking

Them Or Us
Stevie's Spanking
18 říjen 1984, 5:23 min.
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaRay White (doprovodný zpěv, rytmická kytara)
Ike Willis (doprovodný zpěv)
Roy Estrada (doprovodný zpěv)
Frank Zappa (rytmická kytara)
Steve Vai (kytara)
Dweezil Zappa (kytara)
Tommy Mars (klávesy)
Ed Mann (perkuse)
His name is Stevie Vai,
And he's a crazy guy
Last listopad, I recall,
He needed a spanking
He decided then
A female specimen
Would be exciting for a night
To give him a spanking
Laurel was her name
She came to Notre Dame
He told me just the other night
He oughta be thanking
Her for the spanking
She was large and soft
And she beat him off
Made him drool upon his dork
And gave it a wanking
After the spanking
Hair brush!
Oh! What a hair brush!
(It's not that he requires grooming!
Guys with light blue hair never do!)
Then did she exclaim:
``There's another game
That we can play with this device,
And then a banana!''
It was slightly green
Vapors in between
Rising up to fill the room
And cook the banana
Later in the dawn,
Laurel carried on
Got right up and dressed herself and
Ate the banana
Další alba, kde se skladba objevila:
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol 4 (Summer, 1982, 10:51)
Make A Jazz Noise Here (červen 1991, 4:26)
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladba