The Lost Episodes - Kenny's Booger Story

The Lost Episodes
Kenny's Booger Story
1961 or 1962, 0:33 min.
Location: Living room in Ontario, California
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaKenny Williams (zpěv)
Frank Zappa (kytara)
Before, uh while I was away in boarding school lived with Ronnie by
the name of Dwight Demith. Uh, used to live there with Ronnie an' they
would uh, instead of blowing their nose on a handkerchief they would, uh,
stick their finger up in their nose and uh, pull out all their boogers an'
smear em' on the window. Uh, I don't know, I always thought it was crazy,
an' it didn't look good, an' after a while, I mean you couldn't see out
the window! He-hunh!
Did you ever do that?
Uhh, I květen have added one or two on there, yeah.
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