The Lost Episodes - Lost In A Whirlpool

The Lost Episodes
Lost In A Whirlpool
1958 or 1959, 2:47 min.
Location: Lancaster, California
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaCaptain Beefheart (zpěv)
Bobby Zappa (rytmická kytara)
Frank Zappa (sólová kytara)
Well, I'm lost in a whirlpool
Yeah, baby, my head is goin' round
Well, ever since my baby flushed me
Oh, I been goin round, yeah around and around
Well, I'm lost in this whirlpool
I keep goin' down and down
There's a big brown fish
Lookin at me
He aint got no eyes
How could that motherfucker possibly see
Ooh, baby baby
I'm gonna be afraid it gonna touch me
Well I'm lost in this whirlpool
Oh, I can't even see
Baby, won't you come help me
Pour some drano down,
and get the plunger right after me
I'll let you know a little secret, baby
I'm gettin' tired of all this pee
Don't go strange, mother goose
Ooh, my head's in a noose
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