Cruising With Ruben & The Jets - You Didn't Try To Call Me

Cruising With Ruben & The Jets
You Didn't Try To Call Me
listopad 1968, 3:53 min.
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaRay Collins (sólové vokály)
Frank Zappa (sólová kytara)
Roy Estrada (basa)
Jimmy Carl Black (bicí)
Arthur Tripp (bicí)
Ian Underwood (piano, alt saxofón)
Don Preston (piano)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritón saxofón, tamburína)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxofón)
You didn't try to call me, why didn't you try?
I'm so lonely
No matter who I take home, I keep calling your name
And you, (I need you so bad) you're the one babe
Tell me, tell me who's lovin' you now
'Cause it worried my mind and I can't sleep at all
I stayed home on Friday just to wait for your call
And you didn't try, you didn't try, you didn't try
You didn't try to call me
Why didn't you try, I'm so lonely
No metter who I take home, I keep calling your name
And you, (I need you so bad) You're the one babe
Tell me, tell me who's lovin' you now
'Cause it worries my mind and I can't sleep at all
I stayed home on Friday just to wait for your call
I can't say what's wrong or what's right
All you've gotta do is call me babe
You make me feel so excited girl
I got so hung up on you from the moment that we met
That no matter how I try, I can't keep the tears
from running down my face
I'm all alone at my place
You didn't try to call me
You didn't try to call me
You didn't try to call me
You didn't try to call me
Další alba, kde se skladba objevila:
Freak Out! (červenec 1966, 3:17)
You Can't Do That On Stage Anymore vol 1 (červenec 3, 1980, 3:39)
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladba