Ahead Of Their Time - Undaunted, The Band Plays On

Ahead Of Their Time
Undaunted, The Band Plays On
28 říjen 1968, 4:35 min.
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaFrank Zappa (kytara, zpěv)
Ian Underwood (alt saxofón, piano)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxofón, klarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritón saxofón, tamburína)
Roy Estrada (basa, zpěv)
Don Preston (elektrické piáno)
Arthur Tripp (bicí, perkuse)
Jimmy Carl Black (bicí)
Members of The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(During this musical section, Don Preston, chemically altered via macrobiotic snack consumption, is transformed into a Phantom Of The Opera-like monster. While members of the robot combo hiss and boo him, he sneaks around behind the stage set-up, planning a terrible revenge for the rejection of his electronic music. He pounces on the unsuspecting Underwood in the midst of his rapturous piano solo, strangles him, throws him to the floor, and takes his place on the bench. The final revenge? He spews forth a morbidly diatonic piece, entitled SELL US A PRESIDENT, AGENCY MAN.)
Meanwhile (the snack?) enters the mind of Dom deWild.
One two three four
It's the macro-biotic food.
While the well disciplined Ian Underwood plays his piano solo. Dom de
Wild, transformed, begins to sneak up on him.
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