Ahead Of Their Time - Prologue

Ahead Of Their Time
28 říjen 1968, 3:07 min.
Bogus Pomp
předchozí skladba | zpět na info o albu | následující skladbaFrank Zappa (kytara, zpěv)
Ian Underwood (alt saxofón, piano)
Bunk Gardner (tenor saxofón, klarinet)
Motorhead Sherwood (baritón saxofón, tamburína)
Roy Estrada (basa, zpěv)
Don Preston (elektrické piáno)
Arthur Tripp (bicí, perkuse)
Jimmy Carl Black (bicí)
Members of The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(The show opens with Ian, Bunk & Art pretending to perform a serious piece of music for akustické piáno, klarinet & perkuse. (They have already been introduced to the audience as The three talented members of the group -- because they can read music.) The piece (later known as BOGUS POMP), heard here in its world premiere, eventually became part of the score to 200 MOTELS, as did most of the other selections. (Research oriented listeners might want to check out the HONKER HOME VIDEO of THE TRUE STORY OF 200 MOTELS. If your video retailer doesn't stock Zappa video product, it can be ordered by phone from BARFKO SWILL -- just call 818 PUMPKIN)
Anyway, while the three talented members of the group attempt to perform The Prologue, Don Preston, in a villains cape and top-hat, sneaks onstage, interrupting their trio with a loud blast of modern electronic music.)
Další alba, kde se skladba objevila:
Thing-Fish (21 listopad 1984, 2:56)
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